Stewart's Corral
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Favorite links to current conditions, and forecast models for the Pacific Northwest.
Current Conditions:
Goes-10 West IR satellite
16km latest
16km loop requires java
4km latest
4km loop requires java
Western Atlantic java loop
NOAA Goes-10 West Water Vapor satellite
4km latest
4km java loop
University of Washington Atmospheric Department:
West IR Enhanced
East IR Enhanced
West Water Vapor Enhanced
Local Weather Stations at Republic:
Republic School: Current Values and Day Highs/Lows
Radio Hill, SW Klondike Mtn, Republic, WA
Republic, WA 99166
Yesterday's radar loop
Current Radar
75 minute Radar Loop [gif]
jetstream across US
Lightning across US
WA DNR Fire Danger by County
USFS Fire Danger for U.S., Lightning Efficiency, Haines Index
WFAS Visual Greenness (new nationwide mapping)
WA Industrial Fire Precaution Levels
British Columbia Fire Danger
Drought monitor
Palmer Drought Severity Index
U.S. Seasonal Drought Outlook
- Northwest Interagency Coordination Center - home page,
Northwest Interagency Coordination Center
- Large Fire Summary, situation reports
GeoMAC Viewer
current and historical mapping of wildfires across the USA, including daily infrared mapping of hot spots,
National Incidents
Washington state Inciweb
- Incident Information System, Active Fire list, Prescribed burns
Washington Smoke Information
- Air quality monitoring stations
Hazard Mapping System Fire and Smoke
(2 graphs are outdated)
Solar activity:
SolarSoft Latest Events
SEC Real-time display
Preferred forecast at NOAA in text, (new link added in 2014)
NWS Spokane Forecast Discussion
Meteorological Analysis over North America
NCEP Ensemble spaghetti: Model deviation (accuracy) over next 10 days
NWS/NOAA Graphical Forecast
Pacific Northwest
Univ.of Wa Pacific Northwest ETA-Initialized MM5 Forecast Model products
ETA Pressure/Precipitation 60 hour loop
ETA Rel.Humidity/Lifting 60 hour loop
MRF 500mb pressure 10 day loop
Western WA
NOAA Forecast, SMOKE
NW River Forecast Center
Flood outlook only
Interactive Weather Information Network: Washington
Local Republic temperature charts
© 2004 All Rights Reserved.
Stewart Andreason
All links Verified 2004.Oct.10
last link Updated 2014.Sep.23