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About Me and EHS Index
About me, part 1
How it started

About me, part 2
Ongoing saga
Searching for EM-Smog
Meter Evaluation
Conversion chart and entry table
Features to Look For
More Meters Evaluation in Urban
Measuring a cell phone
part 3
Indoor Equipment Evaluation

part 4 Health Links
part 5
Spectrum Analysis graphs

Spectran version 4 evaluation
RF Explorer evaluation and graphs

part 6 Newer spectrum graphs with RFE part 2

2016.Feb, now try that same span 0698-0894 with the RF-Explorer. This will be the first "In motion" recording I've ever done with the RF-Explorer:
This page will explore more in depth the results I am getting with this hardware-software combination.
0698-0894 Mhz All lower GSM bands on the RF-Explorer in Republic
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of GSM
2016.Feb.02 10:00 - 10:06
Republic, WA
That bright green line in the middle (at 780-781 MHz) started when a car phone pulled up along side me, then it (the software bug) got stuck, hiding all actual activity afterward for the next 5 minutes. The sparkles to the left and right side of that line for about 1 minute was while he was using that cel phone, and then minutes later another person. Looks like a spread-spectrum effect, not staying on a single channel. Looks like 4G ?
Next is driving around Republic from H to C to A. (Drive-park-drive-park)
0698-0894 Mhz All lower GSM bands on the RF-Explorer in Republic
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of GSM
2016.Feb.02 10:33 - 10:48
Republic, WA
The sticky max-hold bug is a bit annoying. There are exactly 3 lines stuck by the bottom. So leaving the program running for too long is not advisable for now. It needs to be reset occasionaly.
On the positive side, these results are calibrated, so the actual power density can be measured.

Next on Feb.05 I record the path to Republic by way of Klondike Rd.
In the top 10% the reception from Franson Pk above Curlew can be seen. Then nothing until cresting the first hill on Klondike. Then elevated until the final hill up and over into Republic.
This confirms the new tower on Gold Mtn. is not turned on yet.
This chart will probably be used as a point of reference soon, after the new towers are lit up and start saturating the valley in microwaves.
0698-0894 Mhz All lower GSM bands on the RF-Explorer traveling from Lambert Crk - Hwy21 - Klondike - into Republic
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of GSM
2016.Feb.05 09:56 - 10:13
to Republic, WA
0698-0894 Mhz All lower GSM bands on the RF-Explorer in Republic
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of GSM
2016.Feb.05 10:14 - 10:30
Republic, WA
0698-0894 Mhz All lower GSM bands on the RF-Explorer traveling from Republic to Pine Grove and north on Hwy 21
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of GSM
2016.Feb.05 10:31 - 10:54
from Republic, WA
Followed by leaving Republic by Hwy 20 and stopping at Pine Grove for fuel, before continuing north on Hwy 21.
(Only one loud stuck bit this time... although there are others less prominant, like on the left side around 722MHz) Looks like the stuck bit occurred when a motorist getting fuel was using the cel phone. I'm seeing a pattern now that the sticky bit occurs at the point of an abrupt signal increase, even though momentary in time.

Next I'll use the dashcam video to make a legend along the left side, pinpointing where I was exactly at key points in time. ... Whew, lots of work.

Finally looks like a good plan to measure up and down the valley on a road trip with the RFE.
0300-0900 Mhz Traveling from home - Hwy21 - into Republic on the RF-Explorer
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of 0300-0900 MHz
2016.Feb.09 10:56-11:26

Around Republic:
0300-0900 Mhz Around town of Republic - H_C_L_H_6_A
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of 0300-0900 MHz
2016.Feb.09 11:20-12:17

Leaving Republic, long highway trip to Curlew:
0300-0900 Mhz Traveling from Republic - Hwy20 - Hwy21 - to Curlew
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of 0300-0900 MHz
2016.Feb.09 12:17-12:47

That's bad. Lots of sticky max holds clogging up the entire trip to Curlew! Bad! See how at the start of the 3rd of 3, the sticky bits were cleared, then when I turned north from Pine Grove after 2-3 minutes, a lot of lines appeared and stayed the rest of the trip.
All I did was set it to record. At journey's end File Save As, enter filename, Start a new recording. Either a solution to this bug is needed, or stop along the highway more often to save and restart....

Discover a new firmware and client software is available. Download and install B24.
After a long year of waiting, will it solve the problem?

Stationary test at home: Wait 50 samples, introduce noise like from the Mobius next to antenna, wait 50 samples, remove noise, see what sticks.
The bottom third should look the same as the top third of the first file. There are 4 files:
0015-0615 Mhz Testing off-mobiusOn-off-introduceLoudTx-off.
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of 0015-0615 MHz
2016.Feb.23 22:18 off-MobiusOn-off-shortTx-off. Lots of sticky max bits.

0015-0615 Mhz Testing disconnect-reconnect.
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of 0015-0615 MHz
2016.Feb.23 22:23 Disconnect-Reconnect. Still sticky.

0015-0615 Mhz Testing off-mobiusOn-off.
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of 0015-0615 MHz
2016.Feb.23 22:26 Change range twice without resetting, seems to clear most of the false max peaks.

0015-0615 Mhz Testing off-mobiusOn-off.
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of 0015-0615 MHz
2016.Feb.23 22:28 Power down-Reconnect USB

Here's a new problem. Saving the recording, and starting a new one does not reset the stuck bits.
Loading a profile does not always start fresh. Loading a different range does.
Exiting the client software and restarting it does not un-stick the stuck max hold bits.
Ah, found it. I have to power down the RFE in order to un-stick the stuck peaks. That's very annoying. It can ruin recordings so easy now.

An idea came to me overnight. Change the iterations settings to 1, and mode to Normal.
Hard to say if it helped, conflicting results, until the same range is repeated.
1900-2500 Mhz from home-Hwy21-Klondike-Republic-C
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of 1900-2500 MHz
2016.Feb.24 09:28 .

0900-1500 Mhz A-Republic-Hwy21-home
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of 0900-1500 MHz
2016.Feb.24 11:04 .

0900-1500 Mhz rebooted
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of 0900-1500 MHz
2016.Feb.24 13:17

Next to Curlew to repeat/replace an earlier sweep.
0300-0900 Mhz home-Hwy21-Curlew
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of 0300-0900 MHz
2016.Feb.24 14:33 .

1500-2100 Mhz Curlew-Hwy21-home
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of 1500-2100 MHz
2016.Feb.24 14:58 .

1500-2100 Mhz reboot-RFE-home
RF-Explorer spectrum graph of 1500-2100 MHz
2016.Feb.24 15:22 .

New software 1604_3 [here] along with new firmware Beta 31 now has the option to Disable Remote Max Hold, and this fixes the annoying sticky bug.

I'll end up removing much or all of the above, and post some new clean results, in a few days...or months...This page is not getting any priority in updates. Going to call this a dead page until I can envision a new presentation that is useful.

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Stewart Andreason - electro-refugee with shielded computer.

spectrumGraphs2.html Updated 2022.Dec.26